The Robe of The Redeemed


“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV

Confession time:  I struggle with fear.  It rears its ugly heard in the form of anxiety. When I don’t truly believe that God will provide, protect or rescue me, I resort to putting food in the hole under my nose.  I realize that it is irrational.  A cookie has no ability to rescue me.  It only promises a numbing of emotion.

And it does numb my emotion—but only until I swallow, and my anxiety is joined by guilt and discouragement.  It’s not a good bang for my buck.  My attempt to cope in the absence of God’s help, leads to addiction—tormenting servitude to a false God.  I am an idolater.

It is unfitting for a child of God to serve a false god—to dress immodestly—to sully ourselves with vulgarity or dishonesty, or to use the same lips to both offer worship to God and curse our neighbor.

Our actions divulge our beliefs; they shine an expository light on our level of faith.

We will not do these things if we truly believe that we are precious and loved by God, and that He will meet our needs. And we won’t resort to violence or vengeance, if we believe that the Lord will be our champion.

It all comes down to faith, beloved.  God is so much more faithful and powerful than we know.  Our value and His love for us, far exceed our wildest imagination.  He wants to be the one to provide and to comfort us—to hold us in our hurts, fears and longings.

Do you need healing and deliverance from something, too?  Is there some habit or behavior you turn to for comfort instead of turning to God?

Confession of sin, one to another, followed by being prayed for, is the path to healing (James 5:16).

Let’s take our places—not begging for scraps under the table with slaves, but seated at the table of the King.

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” – 1 Peter 2:9. NIV

Lord, rescue us again!  We take hold of our value in Christ and cling to Your faithfulness.  We return to You, our God of all comfort.  We open wide our mouths, that You might fill us (Ps 81:10).

Have mercy, Lord! Do a work in our hearts. We renounce the shameful ways and false gods we have sought for comfort, and put on the robe of the redeemed—righteousness, self control, modesty, integrity and the fruit of the Spirit. Lord, help us to change.  Deliver us again from our slavery, strengthen our faith and walk with us in the right path.  In Jesus’ Name  ❤️


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