Washed Clean
By: Julie Souza Bradley Lilly
The enemy has only so many tools in his bag with which to discourage us, slow us down and get us off course. For me, the tool he uses most often is guilt. My tongue tends to get me in trouble. When it does, my apologies come quickly and are genuine. But even though I may have asked both the person and the Lord for forgiveness, there is a shame that often lingers.
This morning on TV, a cute, little duckling was getting a bath to remove dirt and oil from its feathers, and the Lord spoke to my heart. “Like this little duck, you were covered in sin, but I have washed away your shame.”
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” – Hebrews 12:2 KJV
I always thought that “despising” meant simply that he hated it. After some digging, I see that “despising” also means to reject and deem “unworthy of regard.” In Strong’s Concordance, it means an “enactment” of a “decree” that was “engraved in stone.”
The shed blood of Jesus fulfilled the law. “Despising the shame” does not just mean Jesus hated it. It means that when we are saved, our debt of sin and shame are transferred to Christ. As a result, it is decreed in the Lord’s court that OUR reason for shame no longer exists. The shame of our past is unworthy of regard. All charges are dropped. Case closed!
Beloved, does the enemy bring up your past, trying to convince you to carry shame that has been washed away, or that your sins are too big for God to forgive? Nothing could be further from the truth.
Father, when we ask for forgiveness, it becomes as if we never sinned. There is no reason to carry shame one day longer. Every stain has been entirely washed away. Our once scarlet sins are whiter than snow. Lord, we put behind us the shame that You declare is not worthy of attention, and exchange it for the joy of forgiveness. Hallelujah! We have been washed clean! In Jesus’ Name ❤️
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