Follow The Pillar


By: Julie Souza Bradley Lilly

We are in a tough season when, like God’s people in Exodus, we find ourselves extracted from familiar comforts to wander in the desert.  We are moving toward promise, but the journey is arduous. Things may look bleak, but take heart.  God in His goodness graciously does not abandon us there.

“By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.” – Exodus‬ ‭13:21‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Day or night they needed to be prepared to move when the pillar did.  They were on a JOURNEY, not yet at their destination. 

During a long wait, it might have been tempting to put down roots and settle in.  But the focus needed to be on following the pillar.  To resist following brought the risk of feeling alone and without light, in the dark, desert night.

So it can be in life.  We zealously receive God’s assignment, but then shift our focus from Him to the assignment.  We forget we are on a journey, settle into a routine and become upset when the pillar moves or plan changes, leaving our project under resourced and underutilized.  It can leave us frustrated, resentful and shouting at the pillar to come back.

Life withers when we persist in what worked in the past in lieu of following God’s move, when seasons change, or when God’s grace for us in leading is being shifted to another.

Beloved, is something withering?  Has the pillar moved and you lost sight?  Is it time to catch fresh vision or pass the baton so you can follow God’s lead?

Father, You have our attention. We plunge our roots into Your life and presence, not in the wilderness. And as we move with You, may we release sorrow for what is left behind, and receive the challenge, promise and joy You provide in each new season.  Help us to love You more than what strokes our egos or brings fulfillment.  And cause us to remember that each step away from the familiar is a step toward closer to Your promised land.  Lord, lead us.  We will follow.  In Jesus’ Name ❤️


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