Releasing Marley’s Chains
RELEASING MARLEY’S CHAINS By: Julie Souza Bradley Lilly “I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do what I hate.” - Romans 7:15 NLT It’s a relief to know that Paul felt the same inner turmoil that we do —when we want to do one thing, but exasperatingly do the opposite. When this happens, it is often easier to accept God’s forgiveness for those lost battles with the flesh than it is to forgive ourselves. In our self loathing we shackle ourselves to our sins. Then, like Marley’s weighty chains, we drag them around as our burdensome punishment. We buy into a lie of the enemy that the Blood of Jesus is not enough. The enemy wants to see our shoulders weighed down, and our legs shackled by the memory of debt that has already been paid — to become as pardoned prisoners who refuse to leave their cell, even though their debt has been paid and the cell door is wide open. But that isn’t what God has in mind. ...