May He Open Your Windows!

Good morning, my friend!  Good morning, Father!

“Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest. In plowing time and in harvest you shall rest.” - Exodus 34:21.

Father, Your children are tired. We work tirelessly and are so well-intentioned. We want to do so much for Your kingdom.  I came upon this verse today.  You also drew me to Exodus 29:12-24.  In it You say that the children of Israel disobeyed You in the desert and “greatly profaned the Sabbath”.  As a result, You were angry and swore that You would not bring them into the land You had given them.  Of the millions who trekked across the desert, only Joshua and Caleb entered the Promised Land.

Lord, Exodus 34:21 says that we are not to do as we please, (Is 58:13), but to honor and rest on the Sabbath day - whether it is a convenient time to rest or not.  Father, we don’t want to profane the Sabbath.  We desire to obey You not from legalism, but out of love.  Break our heart for what breaks Yours.  We don’t want to stay Your hand of blessing.  We don’t want to die in the wilderness, but to take up residence in our Promised Land.

Father, I lift up my friend.  They are so careful to love and keep Your commands, but this one, to honor the Sabbath Day, we sometimes struggle to obey the most.  

Dear friend, I feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to challenge You to obey Him in honoring the Sabbath - to put obedience ahead of convenience.  We are told to not test God, but in Malachi 3:10 they were instructed to, through obedience, to test God - to see if God would not bless them if they were obedient in tithing.  I do not encourage you to test Him, but I challenge You to see if He does not bless You for obedience in honoring the Sabbath.  The children of Israel walked in the desert for 40 years, and neither their clothes nor sandals wore out, and their feet did not swell.  (Deuteronomy 29:5).  God will make Your finances go farther, your time will expand to get things done and He will provide help and blessing if you will obey Him, even if it is inconvenient.  Please don’t stay His hand of blessing, precious friend.  

Father, help them to hear Your heart - may there would be no condemnation in these words, but only offered blessing, encouragement and hope.  Lord, as they choose to obey You in honoring the Sabbath, delight them with miraculous intervention.  And may their obedience be rewarded as You, “open for (them) the windows of heaven and pour out for (them) a blessing until it overflows.” (Mal 3:10).  In Jesus Name ❤️  


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