Take Out The Trash
Good morning, my friend! Good morning, Father!
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” - Genesis 50:20 NIV
Lord, this morning I was mulling over this scripture. In retrospect, I can see many times in my life where this verse is on display - I can see the good that comes out of what appeared as bad, but other times I can’t see any good at all. So, this morning I asked You why this is. Your response to my heart was surprisingly swift, as if to say, “I am so glad you asked!” Along with it came a bit of a sting. You said,
“You cannot simultaneously play both the role of victim and victor. You cannot both bemoan your plight and sing my praise.”
Forgive me, Lord! Apparently, I have been holding on to the pain of victimhood. In so doing, I have unwittingly stayed Your hand from revealing to me the good from my circumstances. My desire to remain the innocent victim, all the while continuing to point to another’s sin and stubbornly harboring unforgiveness, have gotten the best of me. My innocence has mutated into the ugly hard-heartedness of self-righteousness and judgmentalism. As long as I choose to carry the rubbish of past wounds by refusing to forgive, I will continue to hurt, and my vision and arms will be too full to see, let alone, embrace and take hold of the good. It says in Psalm 22:3, “But you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.” Lord, I shudder to think what or who I might enthrone on my grumblings and bitterness - what I might usher in on the coattails of unforgiveness. It’s time to take out the trash!
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