The Father Knows Best



When you feel like Job, remember Job's response.  Choose to trust God.  

Choose to worship God in the face of pain, fear, grief, being misjudged and heart wrenching loss.  

Honor the Lord with your last breath.  Worship whether you feel like it or not, because He alone is worthy.  

Do not indulge in self-pity, whining or complaining.  

Don't think you know better than God.  He is the one who flung the stars into space.  He knows the number of sands in the oceans, the hairs on your head and the number of your days.  The Father knows best.  

Strive to be on the same page as He is as opposed to asking for it to be the other way around.  

Remember that rain falls on the just and the unjust.  Allow the pressure to encourage you to grow and push your roots down deep into the Word of God.  

Don't allow a root of bitterness to develop.  Remove it quickly.  

Enjoy each day to its fullest...take care of your side of the equation in your relationships, ask for forgiveness, forgive quickly even when forgiveness is not requested and they aren’t sorry.

And because it bears repeating, CHOOSE TO TRUST GOD.

That's all I know today.  Anybody with me?

If you have been encouraged or challenged, please repost and further His kingdom!  Then come, follow and be refreshed at: 


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