The Meticulous Jailer


“He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake.” – Psalm 23:3b

I am so grateful for my GPS!  There have been several times in my life when I relied upon a map or written directions to take me to my destination, only to get lost.  Too many rights or lefts, and I ended up in some sketchy neighborhood, scared half to death to ask for directions.

The tendency for many of us is to stick with what we know—a familiar neighborhood and streets where we have walked countless times before.  There is comfort in the familiar.  The downside is that without change, we don’t get to experience anything new.  We miss out on life and settle for smallness.

This morning I am so grateful that in this passage it says that He “guides” us.  A traveling companion brings great comfort to me when I travel to new places.  A trusted companion replaces my anxiety with excitement.

When it says, “He guides me,” it means He doesn’t merely give us a map and send us on our way saying, “Good luck!”  No, He goes with us, and He gives direction on where to turn.  He is close.  So close, that it is His very breath that fills our nostrils (Job 27:3).

“But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” – John 16:7

In the King James Version, the word “Advocate” (defender), is replaced with “Comforter.”  I love both interpretations of the word. On this journey, we have not only been given the Holy Spirit as our traveling companion, but also as our comforter and defender.

The Spirit does not take us into a jungle with machete in hand, blazing new trails in uncharted territory.  No, we are led in “paths”—well-worn, regularly-travelled roads, worn smooth by the feet of many travelers.

The path will not be without ups and downs, but we can trust Him. He has safely led many this way before.  It may be unfamiliar to us, but let’s grab on to the hope and peace that come with the knowledge that this path is not unfamiliar to Him.

He knows every rock, leaf, twist and turn.  Let’s take His hand.  He will keep us from falling (Jude 1:24).

Beloved, fear of change is a meticulous jailer that keeps life small, and when we surrender to it, we become confined to a prison cell of our own making.

It isn’t sameness that keeps us safe.  It is God who keeps us safe.  Stay close to Him.  Go where He goes.  Step where He steps and face the fear with Him as your comforter and defender.

Allow His presence to exchange your anxiety with joyful anticipation and any self-imposed prison of fear with springs of living water, bright, starry nights and breathtaking, new vistas.

Father, we thank You that You did not send us out into the world alone, but You sent Your Spirit to be our comforting leader and strong defender. Bless us with ears to hear Your voice and with courage to follow. With every step, may the shackles of our fear fall away, and be replaced by bonds of peace.  We joyfully place our hand into the nail-scarred hands of our Shepherd.  Lord, lead us in the paths of righteousness, away from fear and toward our future and hope.  In Jesus’ Name ❤️

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