On Loan From Heaven
By: Julie Souza Bradley Lilly
“Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear.” - 1 Peter 1:17
Many years ago I worked for a large company. With the cliques and drama, it was work to not allow myself to get sucked into the gossip, or buckle under the pressure of the battlefield. It is interesting how things changed the day I decided I was going to go back to school.
Suddenly, the same things were still going on around me, but I felt insulated from the drama and stress. The emotional ties were cut when I realized that I didn’t belong in that job longterm. It wasn’t my destiny or home.
Knowing my home was elsewhere gave me a new perspective. It lifted a crushing weight that, before, had weighed me down.
As children of God, this Earth is not our home. So, it makes complete sense that sometimes we feel like we don’t fit in here. We are foreigners here on assignment. And when we finish the assignment, we get to go home.
“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;” - Philippians 3:20.
Father, remind us that Earth is not our eternal home. What we experience here is FAR from all there is. It is but a dim foreshadowing of the glory that is to come.
Today we view our life through the lens of eternity and our heavenly citizenship, stepping back from the microscope to take in the bigger picture. We purpose to do our work with skill and diligence as worship unto You. It is You who will bless us with a glorious inheritance as our reward. Receive our efforts today as service unto Christ (Col 3:23-24).
Truly everything good comes from You (James 1:17). We hold fast to the light burden that comes with knowing that we are on loan from Heaven. We are here for just a season. Make us faithful ambassadors of Your love to this world. Keep us true to Your agenda, leaving salvation, hope and peace in our wake.
Lord, we fix our eyes above, and our hearts on the day when You return to joyfully take us home. We long to see Your appearing and to worship You face to face. In Jesus’ Name❤️
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