Through Eyes of Love


“The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.” - Psalm 34:15

Our eyes are such an amazing creation. The Lord created them so we would be able to see the world.  In infancy, our eyes see colors and movement, but are unable to see clearly.  As we mature, we can not only see more clearly, but as a learned response to danger, we begin to make snap judgments, based on what we see and past experience.  

In a brief glimpse of a person’s life, we decide if they are good or bad, friend or foe. We see the surface and draw conclusions that dictate to our hearts how we should feel about them. 

It may be the natural thing to do, but it isn’t necessarily the best response. Snap judgments that cause us to leap out of the way of an oncoming train are wisdom.  But the snap judgement of a person based solely upon appearance is quite another thing. Scripture gives us wise counsel:

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” - Romans 12:2.  

Isaiah 53 prophesied that the Messiah would be an average looking man of His time. Contrary to TV and movies, Jesus did not look like a model.  According to Luke 4:30, Jesus easily blended into a crowd.  

As a carpenter, He worked outdoors.  So His skin was likely dark and his hands rough.  While it was a respectable occupation, it was not one of affluence.  Scripture recounts:

“Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.’” – Luke 9:58

Jesus did not attract attention based upon His looks or status. It was His wisdom, compassion and love that drew the crowds. 

I wonder.  Were Jesus to walk by us today, would we turn away this homeless man of humble means—this common laborer who associates with outcasts and sinners?  Would we miss the Savior of the world?

Father, give us Your eyes with which to see one another—eyes that see beyond the surface to the heart, and what is held in common between us.

Holy Spirit, change our way of thinking (Ephesians 4:23).  Reveal the treasure among the common and the extraordinary message that speaks out of the everyday.  Teach us to discern according to the leading of the Spirit.

Lord, we don’t want to miss You if You walk by us!  Open the eyes of our hearts to see one another through eyes of love. And thank You for seeing us that very same way.  In Jesus’ Name ❤️


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