Shore of Peace


By:  Julie Souza Bradley Lilly

Life is a series of choices.  We all make dozens of them every day—how to respond to comments, what to buy, how to spend our time, who to spend it with, what to eat for dinner and how many bites to take.

Good or bad, every word we speak plants a seed.  Every bite of food can help or harm.  And every minute has the opportunity to change us.  Every choice has the power to strengthen or weaken our resolve.

We commonly seek God for big decisions in life, but often it is the little decisions that have a greater cumulative effect than the big ones.  Little choices are powerful things.  Like sculpting tools, they shape our habits and add detail to our character.  Like lenses, they alter our focus and like a rudder, they shift our course.

We need the mind of Christ for every decision, not just the big ones.  Without it, the unchallenged counsel of our bad habits, errant beliefs and past hurts will lead us to repeating loops of insanity that assure us that this time our same poor choice will somehow have a different outcome.  We need the voice of the Spirit to counter insanity with wisdom, so our choices today will bless our tomorrows and break the cycle of regret.

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” – 2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Father, send Your Spirit to be our comforter and guide today.  Open our eyes and ears to discern wisdom from folly and to see the way of escape from temptation.  Lord, empower us to make decisions that will keep us true to the course that leads to blessing.  And as we do, be with us in every storm, steer our ship to safe harbor and set our anchor on Your shore of peace.  In Jesus’ Name ❤️


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