Thanks, I Needed That!


By:  Julie Souza Bradley Lilly

Have you ever looked at something one way your whole life, and suddenly you see it a different way?  This morning I was scrubbing the sink and listening to a podcast, when up pops a verse you have probably heard a zillion times.

“Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” – Matthew 25:40 KJV

Here Jesus is talking about when we offer a cup of water, clothe or feed "the least of these,” it is as if we are doing those things to Jesus.  The “least of these” means mankind, our fellow man, our neighbor.

I was feeling warm and fuzzy about it until suddenly images began flooding my mind —rape, theft, violence, neglect, selfishness, lying, greed, gossip, hatred, name it.  It dawned on me.  It isn't just the GOOD things that we do to our neighbor that are "as unto Jesus."  It's EVERYTHING we do — both good AND bad —are as unto Jesus.  It was like a loving, eye-opening slap across the face that had me saying, "Thanks!  I needed that!"  It was shocking, yet I am so grateful.

For many of you this is elementary, but I had never seen it before.  I love Jesus.  I would never want to hurt Him.  Yet day after day I feel justified to do unkind things to my neighbor, who was created in God’s image.  Slapping my neighbor is slapping the face of God.

Father, forgive us for our harshness, selfishness and hard hearts.  Forgive us for putting ourselves above others or thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought.  Forgive us for what we have done to our fellow man, not realizing we were doing it to You.  Thank You, Lord, for removing our blinders and for amazing grace that joyfully offers a clean slate.

Lord, help us to love like You do, and to remember that everything we say or do to our neighbor is as unto You.  In Jesus’ Name ❤️


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