Toddlers In The Faith


“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” – Romans‬ ‭12:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I bought my first brand new car in 1992.  Before then, my cars were always well-maintained used cars.  She was a gorgeous, glistening teal.  And with the turn of the key, her engine would come to life with a powerful, throaty rumble.

On day three of my new car love affair, I walked out the door to see that someone had keyed the entire driver’s side of the car.  My heart sank.  I hadn’t bragged about it, but apparently someone had taken notice.  And they were so miserable that they couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else having a reason to be happy.

Envy is a cancer of the soul. And each time it in indulged, it grows.  It causes us to rejoice when others weep, and weep when others rejoice.  It is an isolating condition that walls us off from both the giving and receiving of love, companionship or compassion.

Ask any toddler who takes away another child’s toy.  We can steal someone else’s joy, but we can’t keep it.  Like sand, the tighter our grip on it, the more quickly it slips through our fingers and disappears, and we are left more unhappy than before.

Envy isn’t something we naturally outgrow. Its misery can follow us to the end of our days.  It can require spiritual surgery.

I’m ready.  Are you?

Father, You are our great physician.  We ask You to remove this cancer from our souls.  It promises joy, but leaves us miserable and lonely.

Mature us to trust in Your goodness that we, too, will be blessed as we are obedient and patiently wait for our turn.

Lord, hear the cries of Your toddlers in the faith!  Change our hearts to genuinely weep with those who weep and rejoice when they rejoice.  And in the removal of that isolating wall, may be know the comfort and joy of love and sweet companionship in return when it IS our turn.  In Jesus’ Name ❤️


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