Am I Disqualified?

By: Julie Souza Bradley Lilly
Do you feel too broken to be used by God? Do you believe that your mistakes, circumstances or disabilities disqualify you from realizing your God-given dreams, or from accomplishing something meaningful, even powerful?
The truth is that most of us struggle with insecurity— things that whisper that we aren’t good enough, or that we are disqualified or too broken to be of use. If you read the Bible and examine the characters God used to accomplish extraordinary things, you will see that NOTHING could be further from the truth.
Consider this partial list:
Moses stuttered and was a murderer.
David had an affair, was a murderer by proxy and struggled with depression.
Abraham was old and twisted the truth.
Noah drank too much.
Thomas was a doubter.
Martha was anxious and resentful.
Jacob was a manipulator.
Jonah was a coward.
Peter had anger issues.
Paul had a disability and was a murderer.
And Jesus was born in a barn to an unwed, teenaged girl.
If you are broken, you are in excellent company! The Lord chooses broken people and circumstances to put His glory on display. Your mess does not disqualify you, Beloved. Without Him none of us can do ANYTHING (Jn 15:5). When we are willing, the Lord pairs His strength with our weaknesses. It is His power and strength that accomplish it all.
“Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the Lord. “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite (repentant) in spirit, and who tremble at my word.” – Isaiah 66:2 NIV
It isn’t gifts and talents that garner God’s favor. Those things come from God, anyway. It is a contrite heart and humble, willing submission to His will that bring His favor. The question is, “Are you willing?”
Father, we are willing! Thank You for using imperfect people like us. Like Paul, may we boast in our weaknesses, so Christ’s power may rest upon us (2 Cor 12:9). Lord, we bow before You. Forgive our pasts. Resurrect Your dreams for us! Have Your way in and through us, and use our brokenness for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name ❤️
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