Break Open Your Pinata


By:  Julie Souza Bradley Lilly

“Happy are those who remain faithful under trials, because when they succeed in passing such a test, they will receive as their reward the life which God has promised to those who love him.” – James 1:12 GNB

Oh the joy of wrapping your knuckles around a bat and taking a swing at a piñata!  I remember going to birthday parties as a child and being excited to see one hanging in the yard. We would take turns swinging away.  And our friend’s cheers would give way to squeals when it finally broke open and the treasures came spilling out!

I’m curious.  Why is it more fun to work for the candy than to just take pieces from a bowl? 

After careful consideration, I believe these things to be true:

1.  There is greater joy in working for a reward than to just have it handed to you. “That which costs you nothing holds no value.”

2. The cheers of our friends are encouraging.  It is comforting to share our struggles and joys.

3. Children believe a good parent will fill a piñata with good things.

Life’s trials are like piñatas, but we don’t see them as such. We see trials coming and our hearts sink.

What if we believed joy would be the reward for our effort?  What if our friends gathered around to cheer us on? What if we believed God is good and includes treasure in our trials?

Our trials DO have treasure hidden in them, but it is up to us to keep taking swings at it until we find it.

Father, You hide treasures in unexpected places. Fill our hearts with faith to believe You are good, and that when troubles come it is an opportunity for joy.  May we learn to welcome troubles as friends.

Struggles can be tiring, so send friends to encourage and strengthen us. May we cheer each other on until we find Your treasure. 

Lord, we love You.  We we pray You will find us faithful, so we will receive Your “well done” and the reward of the life You promise to those who love You.  In Jesus’ Name ❤️


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