Holy Unfairness


By: Julie Souza Bradley Lilly

We didn’t have sweets in the house very often in my childhood.  I remember my mom occasionally bringing home a Hostess fruit pie for me to share with my brother.  One of us would cut it in half. Then the other got first pick of the piece they wanted.  You can bet that pie was cut into two even pieces!

As humans, we crave balance and “fairness.”  While the desire to fairly cut a pie in two may be clever parenting, expectation of fairness, evenness and symmetry in all relationships is a setup for trouble.

When we look at nature, we see that symmetry is not the rule, but rather, the exception. No two snowflakes are the same nor are two trees or mountains the same or symmetrical.  In our bodies, every fingerprint is different, and most of us have a dominant hand, foot and eye.

We accept our own imbalances, but grace for unevenness dries up when it comes to others.  In relationship, whether business, friendship or marriage, we expect both parties to do their “fair share” of the work, effort and giving.  And unmet expectations lead to resentment and breakdown of relationship.

Consider Jesus’ example.  He loved and pursued us first, and took it upon Himself to pay for all of our sins.  He gave up everything to give us everything. Oh the wonder and the beauty of this holy unfairness!

Beloved, let’s follow His example.  Let’s be in relationships with the expectation of carrying the lion’s share, with the Lord, our primary partner, as our help.  That mindset ushers in delight when our secondary partner carries 20% and is overjoyed when they carry 40%, and that gratefulness knits our heart together with theirs and the Lord.

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” – Mark‬ ‭10:45‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Father, thank You for carrying the full load for the penalty of our sins.  Change our hearts to consider others more highly than ourselves (Phil 2:3), and to release them from the crushing weight of manmade expectation. Give us a love for serving one another, and an appreciation for every bit of help they offer, not just the portion above 50%.  In Jesus’ Name ❤️



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