Embracing Victory


By:  Julie Souza Bradley Lilly

“First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” – Matthew 5:23-24 ESV

The devil would love nothing more than to keep us stagnant and sitting on the bench.  He knows that if we embrace the work of the cross in its entirety —both forgiveness and healing, we will be unstoppable.  The strategy is that if he can’t keep us chained to the past by the guilt of our sin, he will attempt to keep us as victims who are not only ineffective warriors, but also whose lack of forgiveness delays God’s hand of blessing.

We all sustain wounds in this life.  No one is spared.  But there is a difference between passing through victimhood on our way to the future, and putting down roots to become a full-time resident there.

The enemy loves victims.  Every minute they spend licking their wounds on the sidelines is one less minute they wear the whole armor of God.  Victims pose no threat to the enemy.  Victors do.

Let’s allow the past to refine us, but not to constrain or define us.  Let’s not allow bitterness to steal our future and hope and stay the hand of God’s blessing. We cannot share in the victories of God and remain a victim.  It is only in forgiving and releasing the offense that we exchange the title of “victim” for that of “victor.”

Are you ready to be blessed again, Beloved?  Then it is time to stop rehearsing the wrongs done to us, and, through forgiveness, unshackle ourselves from the wounds of the past.  Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling.  The Father will help us, if we are willing.

Merciful Father, we want to take hold of our future and hope.  Help us to forgive and let go of the past.  May our freedom and blessing be independent of the apology of our offender, as we pattern ourselves after Christ Jesus, who joyfully forgave our sins, even before we were sorry.  And in the unshackling, may we be blessed, leave behind our victimhood and embrace the joy reserved for victors.  In Jesus’ Name ❤️




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