The Master of Distraction


By:  Julie Souza Bradley Lilly

“Be clearheaded. Keep alert. Your accuser, the devil, is on the prowl like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” – 1 Peter‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭CEB‬‬

I am fascinated by the mind.  I watched a program once about focus and distraction.  They presented a stage where a dozen people were dressed in different colored outfits.  We were instructed to count how many times the woman in the red dress and the man in the blue hat crossed the stage during a one minute song.  

As the people intermingled on the stage, my attention was riveted.  I thought I knew the answer to the question they were going to ask.  Then they asked, “How many times did the dinosaur cross the stage?”  The WHAT?!  A DINOSAUR?!  I rewound the clip and there it was.  A large dinosaur crossed the stage three times and I never even saw it.

The enemy is a master of distraction, too.  He keeps us focused on unimportant details, while he maneuvers undetected in the background.  He wants to keep us oblivious and fighting one another, so he can work undeterred.  He knows that if we were to see clearly, we might join forces with our brother, recognize the signs, pray, armor up and do damage to his kingdom.  

Each day, as new dramas and traumas arise, if we aren’t careful, our attention is drawn to the sudden and urgent, at the expense of what is of utmost importance.   We lose sight of God, our hope and what is truly going on.  Have you been distracted in this season, Beloved?  Are you ready to regain focus?  Let’s take it to the Lord.

Father, we turn to You.  Show us what we need to see; touch our eyes to discern in the Spirit.   May we not fall prey to the distractions of the enemy, but prepare, keep watch, trim our lamps, cinch our armor and raise the standard. In these times of great shaking, give us wisdom to walk unafraid and unmoved in unity with our brother.  Lord, protect and strengthen us for what is to come. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!  In Jesus’ Name ❤️


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