Hungry For Bread
By: Julie Souza Bradley Lilly
When I fast from food, about mid-morning my stomach starts to growl, and images of tasty foods begin to parade through my mind, in an attempt to coerce me to eat. Similarly, when my cellphone is dead, it is surprising to me how often I think about reaching for it for one reason or another.
We develop habits and hungers in our lives, and they drive us to feed whichever belly is gnawing with emptiness.
We may fast from food for a period of time, but eventually going without will lead to our demise. Food and water are necessary for survival. And while I would never intentionally starve myself, I can’t help but think how often I have gone without regularly feeding my spirit. Hollow cheeks in my mirror would remind me to eat food. I wonder how well-fed my spirit would look in a spiritual mirror.
“Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”” – Matthew 4:4 NIV
Jesus equated time in the Word and in God’s presence with feeding His body. He hungered for time with His Father. Without feeding that hunger, He knew His spirit would have become weak and vulnerable to sin.
My spirit is hungry today. If I am wise, I will satisfy that hunger with good things. Is your spirit hungry or feeling weak, beloved? The Father has a table prepared for us. Let’s come and be satisfied.
Father, bless us with divine hunger. May feeding our spirits be as essential and integral to our day as eating —not out of obligation, but desire. May we no sooner consider neglecting time in the Word than we would abandon eating. May we, instead, choose to fast the bellies that do not serve us — those that lead astray and distract from what is truly important.
Whet our appetites for Your presence; develop within us a hunger and taste for Your bread. Then fill us with Yourself. May we feed on Your Word, and being satisfied, find that our hunger for the unholy has ebbed away. In Jesus’ Name ❤️
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