The Myth of The “Perfect Mother”
By: Julie Souza Bradley Lilly
Ask any mother of small children and she will tell you of days when she missed a meal, walked around with smeared peanut butter on her shirt or didn’t get a chance to even brush her hair.
We consider it nurturing to little Johnny’s social development for him to have 27 play dates in a month, but for us to take a 45 minute nap, or spend 5 minutes alone in the bathroom to brush the Cheetos out of our hair is somehow selfish. Why is that? I’ll tell you why. We have bought in to a lie. The image of the perfect mother is a myth.
The enemy has dressed this lie in such noble clothing. He has convinced us that the “Perfect Mother” should look like a Stepford Wife, bake like Betty Crocker, care for needs like Mother Theresa and solve the world’s problems—all while wearing our Wonder Woman cape. No one can do it all.
I am here to lift the weight of guilt off of your shoulders, Beloved. God does not expect that of you. The enemy wants us burned out and resentful. The Father wants us to come and learn to rest. Jesus set the example:
“Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." – Mark 6:31 NIV
It isn’t selfish to make caring for our own needs a priority, Beloved. It’s wisdom! Rest was GOD’S idea! (Ex 20:8-11).
The next time the enemy plays the guilt card about taking time for your needs, tell him, “Get behind me, Satan! I’m taking a nap!”
Father, You remember how we are made, and call caring for our own needs wisdom and obedience, not selfishness. We invite You to help us to rest and prioritize our lives. Partner with us in what needs to be done, and restore our energy, joy and peace when we do. In Jesus’ Name ❤️
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