Contagious Joy



By: Julie Souza Bradley Lilly

“Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” — Hebrews 10:35-36

Have you ever been in a season of prolonged testing, and gotten to the point that it all feels like too much and you give up?  Have you ever allowed pressure and exhaustion to lead you to an emotional explosion —an indulgent bad attitude of anger or self pity?  I have.

In retrospect, it is always frustrating to see how short the time is from the moment I give up or explode, and the moment the test comes to an end.  And when it finally does come to an end, the exuberant joy I had been praying for is replaced by regret that either I didn’t finish, or my reward was diminished by a bad attitude.  

I am not talking about salvation.  Salvation isn’t something to earn, but rather, it is a gift that comes by way of the cross.  I am talking about fulfilling my purpose —walking in the destiny given to me by the Father, and receiving His reward for persevering in obedience.  

When we give up or give in to childish behavior, God’s readily forgives for the asking.  But indulging our flesh by relinquishing control over our anger or self pity, is an unlocked door— an engraved invitation to the enemy to come in and steal a portion of God’s intended blessing.

Beloved, are you tempted to give up or give in?  Pray with me.

Father, this has been in a long, hard season.  Our muscles have grown weary from the battle and the incessant whispers of the enemy.  Send Your ministering angels to strengthen us to endure and put a padlock on our hearts, securing our faith, attitude and determination.

Lord, strengthen our resolve to not surrender to the temptation to grumble or retreat.  Empower us to stand firm until the end, when our perseverance will be rewarded with our full blessing and wave after wave of the contagious joy of Your pleasure.  In Jesus’ Name ❤️


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